Great Service Real People
Providing full service real estate transactional services, real estate litigation and land use expertise.
Real Estate Attorney Jeffrey T. Walsh
Jeffrey T. Walsh and Jeffrey T. Walsh & Associates, PC (the Firm) has represented clients in a great variety of matters, since 1983. We have represented clients in many areas including, but not limited to, Estate Planning and Will Preparation, Divorce, Personal Injury, Real Property Litigation, Foreclosure Defense, Bankruptcy, Real Estate Development, Real Estate Purchases, Real Estate Sales, Short Sales, Loan Work-outs, Refinancing, Representation Before the Internal Revenue Service and the State of Connecticut, Department of Revenue Services, Representation in the US Tax Court, and Zoning. We have also provided many of these services on a Pro-Bono basis through Greater Hartford and Statewide Legal Services Organizations.
For many years, the Firm has focused its energies and talents in Real Estate related matters. These areas of practice are further described below. Before describing these ongoing practice areas, we request that you consider our experience and expertise in other areas and utilize us as a referral source. For example, we no longer pursue Personal Injury or Insurance Litigation, or Estate Planning and Wills. We have established relationships with attorneys and firms that do this work on a regular basis. Our client referrals are treated with the respect and attention by our referred to attorneys that you expect and deserve. Please feel free to call and ask for a referral or direction if you have any legal questions. While we may not be able to immediately address every question, we will get you answers, we will help you structure a game plan, we will give you the peace of mind that all our clients have come to expect in knowing that their interests are well served.
Our Team
The Firm is a full service real estate firm offering a broad selection of real estate transactional services and representation in related matters.
We help our clients through the process of buying, selling or refinancing their home, by anticipating and resolving issues and negotiating with opposing counsel. We fight for our clients. We are real people you can talk to. You will recognize that we care. You will appreciate our personal service, experience and calm approach. Real Estate Attorney in Manchester CT, Hebron CT