Unless you have sold or purchased property, you may wonder why you need a real estate lawyer. Real Estate lawyers focus their practice on matters related to property. Jeffrey T. Walsh & Associates is a law firm with offices in Manchester and Hebron CT. Walsh & Associates provides full service real estate transactional services, real estate litigation and land use expertise in the Tolland County service area. A real estate attorney prepares documents, reviews documents, works toward resolving contract disputes, conducts title searches, oversees the transfer of deeds and titles, handles the transfer of funds for a purchase, and handles closings.

It is the attorney’s job to know the rules and regulations related to real estate transactions. A real estate attorney also deals with zoning issues and mortgage fraud, and verifies whether a commercial or residential property has a lien or another legal issue. Walsh & Associates will work with individuals and corporations and provides legal guidance for either the buyer or the seller. Attorney Walsh will provide legal representation for either side in a courtroom setting. Hire Walsh & Associates for peace of mind. We carefully review the language in purchase agreements and contracts, ensuring the buyer and seller get exactly what they expect. Attorney Walsh has served the area since 1983. We look forward to meeting you. Please call the Hebron CT office for a consultation today: (860)-530-1534.

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Why You Need A Real Estate Lawyer | Hebron CT | Jeffrey T. Wash